WP BASE Booking of Appointments, Services and Events 3.9.0

Does "WP BASE Booking of Appointments, Services and Events" work with WordPress 6.1.1 and PHP 8.1.12? A smoke test was performed on .


No PHP errors, warnings or notices
No JavaScript exceptions
All test pages loaded successfully
No resource errors
Looks good! No problems were detected.

Memory usage: 635.87 KiB
The average PHP memory usage increased by this amount after activating by the plugin.

Page speed impact: insignificant.
The plugin didn't make the site noticeably slower.

WordPress version6.1.1
PHP version8.1.12
MySQL version10.6.10
PHP memory limit512M
Plugin Info
Last updated
Active installs 300+
WordPress.org page https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-base-booking-of-appointments-services-and-events/

WordPress compatibility badge PHP compatibility badge

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Pages 46

Plugins ‹ Test site — WordPress

Page screenshot: Plugins ‹ Test site — WordPress
URL /wp-admin/plugins.php?plugin_status=all&paged=1&s
Requested URL /wp-admin/plugins.php?action=activate&plugin=wp-base-booking-of-appointments-services-and-events%2Fwp-base.php&plugin_status=all&paged=1&s&_wpnonce=72d329370d
Aspect after-activation
HTTP status 200
Load time 1.099 s
Memory usage 4.04 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None


Page screenshot: WP BASE
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=appointments
Aspect menu-item
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.781 s
Memory usage 3.91 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

WP BASE → Bookings

Page screenshot: WP BASE → Bookings
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=app_bookings
Aspect menu-item
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.304 s
Memory usage 3.67 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

WP BASE → Clients

Page screenshot: WP BASE → Clients
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=app_clients
Aspect menu-item
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.278 s
Memory usage 3.64 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

WP BASE → Schedules

Page screenshot: WP BASE → Schedules
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=app_schedules
Aspect menu-item
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.374 s
Memory usage 3.93 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

WP BASE → Schedules → Weekly

Page screenshot: WP BASE → Schedules → Weekly
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=app_schedules&tab=weekly&app_worker_id=all
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.259 s
Memory usage 3.65 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

WP BASE → Schedules → 4 Weeks

Page screenshot: WP BASE → Schedules → 4 Weeks
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=app_schedules&tab=4weeks&app_worker_id=all
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.247 s
Memory usage 3.65 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

WP BASE → Schedules → Monthly

Page screenshot: WP BASE → Schedules → Monthly
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=app_schedules&tab=monthly&app_worker_id=all
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.277 s
Memory usage 3.65 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

WP BASE → Schedules → 3 Months

Page screenshot: WP BASE → Schedules → 3 Months
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=app_schedules&tab=3months&app_worker_id=all
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.282 s
Memory usage 3.65 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

WP BASE → Payment History

Page screenshot: WP BASE → Payment History
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=app_transactions
Aspect menu-item
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.247 s
Memory usage 3.64 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

WP BASE → Business Settings

Page screenshot: WP BASE → Business Settings
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=app_business
Aspect menu-item
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.514 s
Memory usage 3.71 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

WP BASE → Business Settings → Working Hours

Page screenshot: WP BASE → Business Settings → Working Hours
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=app_business&tab=working_hours
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.485 s
Memory usage 4.21 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

WP BASE → Business Settings → Holidays

Page screenshot: WP BASE → Business Settings → Holidays
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=app_business&tab=holidays
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.273 s
Memory usage 3.66 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

WP BASE → Monetary Settings

Page screenshot: WP BASE → Monetary Settings
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=app_monetary
Aspect menu-item
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.487 s
Memory usage 3.84 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

WP BASE → Monetary Settings → Payment Methods

Page screenshot: WP BASE → Monetary Settings → Payment Methods
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=app_monetary&tab=gateways
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.230 s
Memory usage 3.64 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

WP BASE → Display Settings

Page screenshot: WP BASE → Display Settings
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=app_display
Aspect menu-item
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.264 s
Memory usage 3.84 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

WP BASE → Display Settings → Advanced

Page screenshot: WP BASE → Display Settings → Advanced
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=app_display&tab=advanced_features
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.261 s
Memory usage 3.84 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

WP BASE → Display Settings → Dialogs

Page screenshot: WP BASE → Display Settings → Dialogs
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=app_display&tab=dialogs
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.465 s
Memory usage 3.92 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

WP BASE → Display Settings → Terms & Conditions

Page screenshot: WP BASE → Display Settings → Terms & Conditions
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=app_display&tab=terms
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.466 s
Memory usage 3.92 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

WP BASE → Display Settings → Custom Texts

Page screenshot: WP BASE → Display Settings → Custom Texts
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=app_display&tab=custom_texts
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.504 s
Memory usage 3.66 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

WP BASE → Global Settings

Page screenshot: WP BASE → Global Settings
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=app_settings
Aspect menu-item
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.336 s
Memory usage 3.86 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

WP BASE → Global Settings → Email

Page screenshot: WP BASE → Global Settings → Email
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=app_settings&tab=email
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.428 s
Memory usage 3.93 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

WP BASE → Global Settings → Users

Page screenshot: WP BASE → Global Settings → Users
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=app_settings&tab=user
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.270 s
Memory usage 3.84 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

WP BASE → Tools

Page screenshot: WP BASE → Tools
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=app_tools
Aspect menu-item
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.402 s
Memory usage 3.64 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

WP BASE → Tools → Reset

Page screenshot: WP BASE → Tools → Reset
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=app_tools&tab=reset
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.230 s
Memory usage 3.64 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

WP BASE → Tools → Custom Functions

Page screenshot: WP BASE → Tools → Custom Functions
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=app_tools&tab=custom_functions
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.235 s
Memory usage 3.64 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

WP BASE → Tools → Licenses

Page screenshot: WP BASE → Tools → Licenses
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=app_tools&tab=licenses
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.227 s
Memory usage 3.64 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

WP BASE → Addons

Page screenshot: WP BASE → Addons
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=app_addons
Aspect menu-item
HTTP status 200
Load time 20.444 s
Memory usage 3.66 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

WP BASE → Help

Page screenshot: WP BASE → Help
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=app_help
Aspect menu-item
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.282 s
Memory usage 3.84 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

WP BASE → Help → Global Settings

Page screenshot: WP BASE → Help → Global Settings
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=app_help&tab=settings
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.343 s
Memory usage 4.1 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

WP BASE → Help → Shortcodes

Page screenshot: WP BASE → Help → Shortcodes
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=app_help&tab=shortcodes
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.283 s
Memory usage 3.64 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

WP BASE → Help → Support

Page screenshot: WP BASE → Help → Support
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=app_help&tab=support
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.253 s
Memory usage 3.64 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

WP BASE → Help → About

Page screenshot: WP BASE → Help → About
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=app_help&tab=about
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.238 s
Memory usage 3.64 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

Users → Your Bookings

Page screenshot: Users → Your Bookings
URL /wp-admin/users.php?page=your_bookings
Aspect menu-item
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.286 s
Memory usage 3.69 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

Users → Your Bookings → Weekly Schedule

Page screenshot: Users → Your Bookings → Weekly Schedule
URL /wp-admin/users.php?page=your_bookings&tab=weekly
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.318 s
Memory usage 3.93 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

Users → Your Bookings → 4 Weeks Schedule

Page screenshot: Users → Your Bookings → 4 Weeks Schedule
URL /wp-admin/users.php?page=your_bookings&tab=4weeks
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.554 s
Memory usage 4.12 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

Users → Your Bookings → Monthly Schedule

Page screenshot: Users → Your Bookings → Monthly Schedule
URL /wp-admin/users.php?page=your_bookings&tab=monthly
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.304 s
Memory usage 4.02 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

Users → Your Bookings → 3 Months Schedule

Page screenshot: Users → Your Bookings → 3 Months Schedule
URL /wp-admin/users.php?page=your_bookings&tab=3months
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.583 s
Memory usage 4.07 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

Users → Your Bookings → Services

Page screenshot: Users → Your Bookings → Services
URL /wp-admin/users.php?page=your_bookings&tab=services
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.592 s
Memory usage 3.73 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

Users → Your Bookings → Working Hours

Page screenshot: Users → Your Bookings → Working Hours
URL /wp-admin/users.php?page=your_bookings&tab=working_hours
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.592 s
Memory usage 4.21 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

Users → Your Bookings → Holidays

Page screenshot: Users → Your Bookings → Holidays
URL /wp-admin/users.php?page=your_bookings&tab=holidays
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.446 s
Memory usage 3.66 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

Users → Your Bookings → Payment History

Page screenshot: Users → Your Bookings → Payment History
URL /wp-admin/users.php?page=your_bookings&tab=payments
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.745 s
Memory usage 3.67 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

Users → Your Bookings → Settings

Page screenshot: Users → Your Bookings → Settings
URL /wp-admin/users.php?page=your_bookings&tab=settings
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.339 s
Memory usage 3.65 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

Test site – Just another WordPress site

Page screenshot: Test site – Just another WordPress site
Aspect front-page
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.255 s
Memory usage 3.51 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

Dashboard ‹ Test site — WordPress

Page screenshot: Dashboard ‹ Test site — WordPress
URL /wp-admin/index.php
Aspect new-meta-boxes
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.279 s
Memory usage 3.68 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

Widgets ‹ Test site — WordPress

Page screenshot: Widgets ‹ Test site — WordPress
URL /wp-admin/widgets.php
Aspect new-sidebar-widgets
HTTP status 200
Load time 1.438 s
Memory usage 5.55 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None


URL Load time Memory usage
Inactive Active Change Inactive Active Change
/wp-admin/index.php0.299 s0.380 s+0.081 s3.05 MiB3.68 MiB+ 646.85 KiB
/wp-admin/edit.php0.198 s0.208 s+0.010 s3.07 MiB3.76 MiB+ 706.98 KiB
/wp-admin/post-new.php0.841 s0.915 s+0.074 s4.97 MiB5.6 MiB+ 644.59 KiB
/wp-admin/upload.php0.553 s0.366 s-0.187 s2.99 MiB3.6 MiB+ 619.8 KiB
/wp-admin/options-writing.php0.157 s0.291 s+0.134 s2.99 MiB3.58 MiB+ 609.07 KiB
/wp-admin/media-new.php0.311 s0.238 s-0.073 s2.97 MiB3.58 MiB+ 625.36 KiB
/wp-admin/edit-tags.php?taxonomy=category0.179 s0.197 s+0.018 s2.98 MiB3.62 MiB+ 659.18 KiB
/wp-admin/post-new.php?post_type=page0.656 s0.680 s+0.024 s4.96 MiB5.59 MiB+ 640.23 KiB
/wp-admin/options-discussion.php0.223 s0.218 s-0.005 s2.98 MiB3.58 MiB+ 623.23 KiB
/wp-admin/edit-comments.php0.210 s0.219 s+0.009 s3 MiB3.63 MiB+ 644.41 KiB
/0.297 s0.226 s-0.071 s2.94 MiB3.51 MiB+ 574.84 KiB
Average 0.357 s0.358 s+0.001 s3.35 MiB3.98 MiB+ 635.87 KiB

Code Statistics

Note: Third-party libraries and minified JS/CSS files are excluded from these statistics where possible, so the numbers you see here may be lower than those reported by other tools.

Language % Lines of code Comment lines Files
Total 64,189 13,516 219

PHP Code Analysis | More results »

Lines of code 36,696
Total complexity 8,815
Median class complexity 41.5
Median method complexity 2.0
Most complex class WpBCore
Most complex function WpBAddons::save_settings()
Classes 84
Methods 1,549
Functions 281


Things that the plugin adds to the site. This section is not intended to be comprehensive. The test tool only looks for a few specific types of added content.

Database Tables 9

Options wp_options 12

User Metadata wp_usermeta 1

Sidebar Widgets 4

ID Name
appointments_servicesWP BASE Services
appointments_service_providersWP BASE Service Providers
appointments_monthly_calendarWP BASE Monthly Calendar
appointments_theme_selectorWP BASE Theme Selector

Meta Boxes

    "dashboard": {
        "app_dashboard_widget": {
            "title": "WP BASE",
            "context": "normal"

Roles 3

ID Name
wpb_clientWP BASE Client
wpb_workerWP BASE Provider
wpb_adminWP BASE Admin

Capabilities 29

PHP Error Log

The log file is empty.

See also: All tests for this plugin, How to Hide WP BASE Booking of Appointments, Services and Events Admin Menus and Widgets