Smart Marketing SMS and Newsletters Forms 4.0.9

Does "Smart Marketing SMS and Newsletters Forms" work with WordPress 5.9.3 and PHP 7.4.8? A smoke test was performed on .


132PHP notices
No JavaScript exceptions
All test pages loaded successfully
No resource errors

Memory usage: 220.89 KiB
The average PHP memory usage increased by this amount after activating by the plugin.

Page speed impact: 0.088 seconds
The average page load time increased by this amount after activating the plugin.

WordPress version5.9.3
PHP version7.4.8
MySQL version8.0.21
PHP memory limit256M
Plugin Info
Last updated
Active installs 1,000+ page

WordPress compatibility badge PHP compatibility badge

Get badge code

Pages 5

Plugins ‹ Test site — WordPress

Page screenshot: Plugins ‹ Test site — WordPress
URL /wp-admin/plugins.php?plugin_status=all&paged=1&s
Requested URL /wp-admin/plugins.php?action=activate&plugin=smart-marketing-for-wp%2Fegoi-for-wp.php&plugin_status=all&paged=1&s&_wpnonce=cd7820db32
Aspect after-activation
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.572 s
Memory usage 3.51 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

Smart Marketing

Page screenshot: Smart Marketing
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=egoi-4-wp-account
Aspect menu-item
HTTP status 200
Load time 1.088 s
Memory usage 3.58 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

Test site – Just another WordPress site

Page screenshot: Test site – Just another WordPress site
Aspect front-page
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.530 s
Memory usage 3.61 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

Dashboard ‹ Test site — WordPress

Page screenshot: Dashboard ‹ Test site — WordPress
URL /wp-admin/index.php
Aspect new-meta-boxes
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.660 s
Memory usage 3.57 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

Widgets ‹ Test site — WordPress

Page screenshot: Widgets ‹ Test site — WordPress
URL /wp-admin/widgets.php
Aspect new-sidebar-widgets
HTTP status 200
Load time 1.490 s
Memory usage 5.36 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None


URL Load time Memory usage
Inactive Active Change Inactive Active Change
/wp-admin/index.php0.340 s0.641 s+0.301 s3.37 MiB3.57 MiB+ 201.59 KiB
/wp-admin/edit.php0.184 s0.248 s+0.064 s3.4 MiB3.59 MiB+ 188.88 KiB
/wp-admin/post-new.php0.790 s1.124 s+0.334 s5.68 MiB5.86 MiB+ 187.38 KiB
/wp-admin/upload.php0.353 s0.341 s-0.012 s3.25 MiB3.5 MiB+ 259.28 KiB
/wp-admin/options-writing.php0.267 s0.176 s-0.091 s3.24 MiB3.48 MiB+ 243.76 KiB
/wp-admin/media-new.php0.296 s0.251 s-0.045 s3.23 MiB3.48 MiB+ 259.77 KiB
/wp-admin/edit-tags.php?taxonomy=category0.187 s0.221 s+0.034 s3.27 MiB3.51 MiB+ 252.05 KiB
/wp-admin/post-new.php?post_type=page0.636 s0.812 s+0.176 s5.68 MiB5.86 MiB+ 182.52 KiB
/wp-admin/options-discussion.php0.246 s0.465 s+0.219 s3.22 MiB3.48 MiB+ 260.39 KiB
/wp-admin/edit-comments.php0.212 s0.237 s+0.025 s3.27 MiB3.51 MiB+ 250.68 KiB
/0.275 s0.238 s-0.037 s3.4 MiB3.54 MiB+ 143.45 KiB
Average 0.344 s0.432 s+0.088 s3.73 MiB3.94 MiB+ 220.89 KiB

Code Statistics

Note: Third-party libraries and minified JS/CSS files are excluded from these statistics where possible, so the numbers you see here may be lower than those reported by other tools.

Language % Lines of code Comment lines Files
PO File6.4%4,8493,0883
Total 76,314 6,135 140

PHP Code Analysis | More results »

Lines of code 12,381
Total complexity 1,801
Median class complexity 24.0
Median method complexity 2.0
Most complex class Egoi_For_Wp_Admin
Most complex function Egoi_For_Wp_Admin::getContactForm()
Classes 23
Methods 439
Functions 60


Things that the plugin adds to the site. This section is not intended to be comprehensive. The test tool only looks for a few specific types of added content.

Database Tables 3

Options wp_options 10

Sidebar Widgets 1

ID Name
egoi4widgetSmart Marketing Widget

Meta Boxes

    "dashboard": {
        "egoi_main_dashboard_widget": {
            "title": "E-goi",
            "context": "normal"

PHP Error Log 132 lines

[24-May-2022 08:41:13 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 60
[24-May-2022 08:41:13 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 60
[24-May-2022 08:41:14 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: Egoi_For_Wp::$_valid in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/includes/class-egoi-for-wp.php on line 773
[24-May-2022 08:41:14 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/includes/class-egoi-for-wp.php on line 773
[24-May-2022 08:41:14 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$PLAN_EMAIL_LIMIT in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2691
[24-May-2022 08:41:14 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$PLAN_SMS_LIMIT in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2692
[24-May-2022 08:41:14 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$CONTRACT in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2699
[24-May-2022 08:41:14 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$CONTRACT in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2700
[24-May-2022 08:41:14 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$CONTRACT in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2701
[24-May-2022 08:41:14 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$PLAN_EMAIL_LIMIT in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2720
[24-May-2022 08:41:14 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$PLAN_SMS_LIMIT in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2721
[24-May-2022 08:41:14 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$CONTRACT in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2742
[24-May-2022 08:41:14 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$CREDITS in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2746
[24-May-2022 08:41:14 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$CONTRACT_EXPIRE_DATE in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2749
[24-May-2022 08:41:15 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: plan_info in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/index.php on line 105
[24-May-2022 08:41:15 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/index.php on line 105
[24-May-2022 08:41:15 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: plan_info in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/index.php on line 105
[24-May-2022 08:41:15 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/index.php on line 105
[24-May-2022 08:41:15 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$PLAN_EMAIL_SENT in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2782
[24-May-2022 08:41:15 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$PLAN_SMS_SENT in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2786
[24-May-2022 08:41:15 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 60
[24-May-2022 08:41:17 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: Egoi_For_Wp::$_valid in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/includes/class-egoi-for-wp.php on line 773
[24-May-2022 08:41:17 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/includes/class-egoi-for-wp.php on line 773
[24-May-2022 08:41:17 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$CLIENTE_ID in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/public/class-egoi-for-wp-public.php on line 772
[24-May-2022 08:41:17 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: HTTP_REFERER in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 251
[24-May-2022 08:41:17 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: Egoi_For_Wp::$_valid in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/includes/class-egoi-for-wp.php on line 773
[24-May-2022 08:41:17 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/includes/class-egoi-for-wp.php on line 773
[24-May-2022 08:41:18 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$PLAN_EMAIL_LIMIT in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2691
[24-May-2022 08:41:18 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$PLAN_SMS_LIMIT in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2692
[24-May-2022 08:41:18 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$CONTRACT in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2699
[24-May-2022 08:41:18 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$CONTRACT in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2700
[24-May-2022 08:41:18 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$CONTRACT in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2701
[24-May-2022 08:41:18 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$PLAN_EMAIL_LIMIT in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2720
[24-May-2022 08:41:18 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$PLAN_SMS_LIMIT in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2721
[24-May-2022 08:41:18 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$CONTRACT in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2742
[24-May-2022 08:41:18 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$CREDITS in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2746
[24-May-2022 08:41:18 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$CONTRACT_EXPIRE_DATE in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2749
[24-May-2022 08:41:18 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: plan_info in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/index.php on line 105
[24-May-2022 08:41:18 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/index.php on line 105
[24-May-2022 08:41:18 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: plan_info in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/index.php on line 105
[24-May-2022 08:41:18 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/index.php on line 105
[24-May-2022 08:41:18 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$PLAN_EMAIL_SENT in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2782
[24-May-2022 08:41:18 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$PLAN_SMS_SENT in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2786
[24-May-2022 08:41:18 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 60
[24-May-2022 08:41:18 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 60
[24-May-2022 08:41:18 UTC] PHP Notice:  register_rest_route was called <strong>incorrectly</strong>. The REST API route definition for <code>egoi/v1/products_data</code> is missing the required <code>permission_callback</code> argument. For REST API routes that are intended to be public, use <code>__return_true</code> as the permission callback. Please see <a href="">Debugging in WordPress</a> for more information. (This message was added in version 5.5.0.) in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5775
[24-May-2022 08:41:20 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 60
[24-May-2022 08:41:20 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 60
[24-May-2022 08:41:20 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 60
[24-May-2022 08:41:20 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 60
[24-May-2022 08:41:20 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 60
[24-May-2022 08:41:21 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 60
[24-May-2022 08:41:21 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 60
[24-May-2022 08:41:21 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 60
[24-May-2022 08:41:21 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 60
[24-May-2022 08:41:21 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 60
[24-May-2022 08:41:21 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 60
[24-May-2022 08:41:21 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 60
[24-May-2022 08:41:22 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 60
[24-May-2022 08:41:22 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 60
[24-May-2022 08:41:22 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 60
[24-May-2022 08:41:22 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 60
[24-May-2022 08:41:22 UTC] PHP Notice:  register_rest_route was called <strong>incorrectly</strong>. The REST API route definition for <code>egoi/v1/products_data</code> is missing the required <code>permission_callback</code> argument. For REST API routes that are intended to be public, use <code>__return_true</code> as the permission callback. Please see <a href="">Debugging in WordPress</a> for more information. (This message was added in version 5.5.0.) in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5775
[24-May-2022 08:41:24 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 60
[24-May-2022 08:41:24 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 60
[24-May-2022 08:41:24 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 60
[24-May-2022 08:41:24 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 60
[24-May-2022 08:41:24 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 60
[24-May-2022 08:41:24 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 60
[24-May-2022 08:41:24 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 60
[24-May-2022 08:41:24 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 60
[24-May-2022 08:41:24 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 60
[24-May-2022 08:41:24 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 60
[24-May-2022 08:41:25 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 60
[24-May-2022 08:41:25 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 60
[24-May-2022 08:41:25 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 60
[24-May-2022 08:41:25 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$CLIENTE_ID in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/public/class-egoi-for-wp-public.php on line 772
[24-May-2022 08:41:25 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: HTTP_REFERER in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/egoi-for-wp.php on line 251
[24-May-2022 08:41:26 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: Egoi_For_Wp::$_valid in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/includes/class-egoi-for-wp.php on line 773
[24-May-2022 08:41:26 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/includes/class-egoi-for-wp.php on line 773
[24-May-2022 08:41:26 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$PLAN_EMAIL_LIMIT in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2691
[24-May-2022 08:41:26 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$PLAN_SMS_LIMIT in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2692
[24-May-2022 08:41:26 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$CONTRACT in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2699
[24-May-2022 08:41:26 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$CONTRACT in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2700
[24-May-2022 08:41:26 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$CONTRACT in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2701
[24-May-2022 08:41:26 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$PLAN_EMAIL_LIMIT in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2720
[24-May-2022 08:41:26 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$PLAN_SMS_LIMIT in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2721
[24-May-2022 08:41:26 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$CONTRACT in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2742
[24-May-2022 08:41:26 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$CREDITS in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2746
[24-May-2022 08:41:26 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$CONTRACT_EXPIRE_DATE in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2749
[24-May-2022 08:41:26 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: plan_info in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/index.php on line 105
[24-May-2022 08:41:26 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/index.php on line 105
[24-May-2022 08:41:26 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: plan_info in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/index.php on line 105
[24-May-2022 08:41:26 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/index.php on line 105
[24-May-2022 08:41:26 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$PLAN_EMAIL_SENT in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2782
[24-May-2022 08:41:26 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$PLAN_SMS_SENT in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2786
[24-May-2022 08:41:26 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: Egoi_For_Wp::$_valid in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/includes/class-egoi-for-wp.php on line 773
[24-May-2022 08:41:26 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/includes/class-egoi-for-wp.php on line 773
[24-May-2022 08:41:27 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$PLAN_EMAIL_LIMIT in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2691
[24-May-2022 08:41:27 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$PLAN_SMS_LIMIT in /wp-content/plugins/smart-marketing-for-wp/admin/class-egoi-for-wp-admin.php on line 2692

(+32 more lines)
See also: All tests for this plugin, How to Hide Smart Marketing SMS and Newsletters Forms Admin Menus and Widgets