NewStatPress 1.3.1

Does NewStatPress work with WordPress 5.2.2 and PHP 7.2.16? A smoke test was performed on .


2PHP warnings
2Database errors
No JavaScript exceptions
All test pages loaded successfully
No resource errors

Memory usage: 55.77 KiB
The average PHP memory usage increased by this amount after activating by the plugin.

Page speed impact: insignificant.
The plugin didn't make the site noticeably slower.

WordPress version5.2.2
PHP version7.2.16
MySQL version8.0.15
PHP memory limit256M
Plugin Info
Last updated
Active installs 20,000+ page

WordPress compatibility badge PHP compatibility badge

Get badge code

Pages 18

Plugins ‹ Test site — WordPress

Page screenshot: Plugins ‹ Test site — WordPress
URL /wp-admin/plugins.php?plugin_status=all&paged=1&s
Requested URL /wp-admin/plugins.php?action=activate&plugin=newstatpress%2Fnewstatpress.php&plugin_status=all&paged=1&s&_wpnonce=85cc9d902f
Aspect after-activation
HTTP status 200
Load time 2.119 s
Memory usage 3.55 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None


Page screenshot: NewStatPress
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=nsp-main
Aspect menu-item
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.449 s
Memory usage 3.97 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

NewStatPress → Details

Page screenshot: NewStatPress → Details
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=nsp_details
Aspect menu-item
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.219 s
Memory usage 3.64 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

NewStatPress → Visits

Page screenshot: NewStatPress → Visits
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=nsp_visits
Aspect menu-item
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.209 s
Memory usage 3.91 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

NewStatPress → Visits → Visitors

Page screenshot: NewStatPress → Visits → Visitors
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=nsp_visits&tab=visitors
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.208 s
Memory usage 3.5 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

NewStatPress → Visits → Spy Bot

Page screenshot: NewStatPress → Visits → Spy Bot
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=nsp_visits&tab=spybot
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.209 s
Memory usage 3.5 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

NewStatPress → Search

Page screenshot: NewStatPress → Search
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=nsp_search
Aspect menu-item
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.263 s
Memory usage 3.72 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

NewStatPress → Tools

Page screenshot: NewStatPress → Tools
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=nsp_tools
Aspect menu-item
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.266 s
Memory usage 4.02 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

NewStatPress → Tools → Update

Page screenshot: NewStatPress → Tools → Update
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=nsp_tools&tab=update
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.209 s
Memory usage 3.5 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

NewStatPress → Tools → Export

Page screenshot: NewStatPress → Tools → Export
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=nsp_tools&tab=export
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.206 s
Memory usage 3.5 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

NewStatPress → Tools → Optimize

Page screenshot: NewStatPress → Tools → Optimize
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=nsp_tools&tab=optimize
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.200 s
Memory usage 3.5 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

NewStatPress → Tools → Repair

Page screenshot: NewStatPress → Tools → Repair
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=nsp_tools&tab=repair
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.191 s
Memory usage 3.5 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

NewStatPress → Tools → Remove

Page screenshot: NewStatPress → Tools → Remove
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=nsp_tools&tab=remove
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.323 s
Memory usage 3.5 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

NewStatPress → Tools → Informations

Page screenshot: NewStatPress → Tools → Informations
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=nsp_tools&tab=info
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.219 s
Memory usage 3.5 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

NewStatPress → Options

Page screenshot: NewStatPress → Options
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=nsp_options
Aspect menu-item
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.293 s
Memory usage 4.09 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

NewStatPress → Credits

Page screenshot: NewStatPress → Credits
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=nsp_credits
Aspect menu-item
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.281 s
Memory usage 3.63 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

Test site – Just another WordPress site

Page screenshot: Test site – Just another WordPress site
Aspect front-page
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.346 s
Memory usage 3.25 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

Widgets ‹ Test site — WordPress

Page screenshot: Widgets ‹ Test site — WordPress
URL /wp-admin/widgets.php
Aspect new-sidebar-widgets
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.885 s
Memory usage 3.66 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None


URL Load time Memory usage
Inactive Active Change Inactive Active Change
/wp-admin/index.php0.367 s0.337 s-0.030 s3.6 MiB3.65 MiB+ 55.47 KiB
/wp-admin/edit.php0.291 s0.342 s+0.051 s3.63 MiB3.68 MiB+ 53.93 KiB
/wp-admin/post-new.php1.445 s1.779 s+0.334 s5.27 MiB5.4 MiB+ 130.97 KiB
/wp-admin/upload.php0.877 s0.591 s-0.286 s3.46 MiB3.51 MiB+ 52.98 KiB
/wp-admin/options-writing.php0.196 s0.209 s+0.013 s3.54 MiB3.51 MiB- 39.8 KiB
/wp-admin/media-new.php0.330 s0.361 s+0.031 s3.44 MiB3.5 MiB+ 54.09 KiB
/wp-admin/edit-tags.php?taxonomy=category0.207 s0.217 s+0.010 s3.48 MiB3.6 MiB+ 118.37 KiB
/wp-admin/post-new.php?post_type=page1.421 s1.318 s-0.103 s5.25 MiB5.37 MiB+ 124.18 KiB
/wp-admin/options-discussion.php0.451 s0.560 s+0.109 s3.45 MiB3.5 MiB+ 54.09 KiB
/wp-admin/edit-comments.php0.299 s0.339 s+0.040 s3.55 MiB3.6 MiB+ 52.06 KiB
/0.501 s0.272 s-0.229 s3.3 MiB3.26 MiB- 42.88 KiB
Average 0.580 s0.575 s-0.005 s3.82 MiB3.87 MiB+ 55.77 KiB


Things that the plugin adds to the site. This section is not intended to be comprehensive. The test tool only looks for a few specific types of added content.

Database Tables 1

Options wp_options 3

User Metadata wp_usermeta 2

Sidebar Widgets 2

ID Name
newstatpressNewStatPress Stats
newstatpress toppostsNewStatPress TopPosts

PHP Error Log 24 lines

[19-Jun-2019 06:19:01 UTC] PHP Warning:  Illegal string offset 'news' in /wp-content/plugins/newstatpress/newstatpress.php on line 131
[19-Jun-2019 06:19:01 UTC] PHP Warning:  Cannot assign an empty string to a string offset in /wp-content/plugins/newstatpress/newstatpress.php on line 131
[19-Jun-2019 06:19:05 UTC] WordPress database error You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 5 for query 
    SELECT count(distinct spider)
    FROM wp_statpress
      spider<>'' AND
      id >
   made by do_action('newstatpress_page_nsp_visits'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, nsp_DisplayVisitsPageC, nsp_DisplayVisitsPage, nsp_SpyBot
[19-Jun-2019 06:19:05 UTC] WordPress database error You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ORDER BY MaxId DESC, id DESC' at line 13 for query 
    SELECT *
    FROM wp_statpress as T1
    (SELECT spider,max(id) as MaxId
     FROM wp_statpress
     WHERE spider<>''
     GROUP BY spider
     ORDER BY MaxId
     DESC LIMIT 0, 10
    ) as T2
    ON T1.spider = T2.spider
    WHERE > 
   made by do_action('newstatpress_page_nsp_visits'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, nsp_DisplayVisitsPageC, nsp_DisplayVisitsPage, nsp_SpyBot
See also: All tests for this plugin