LaTeX2HTML 2.3.5

Does LaTeX2HTML work with WordPress 4.9.8 and PHP 7.0.16? A smoke test was performed on .


2PHP notices
4JavaScript exceptions
All test pages loaded successfully
No resource errors

Memory usage: 101.48 KiB
The average PHP memory usage increased by this amount after activating by the plugin.

Page speed impact: insignificant.
The plugin didn't make the site noticeably slower.

WordPress version4.9.8
PHP version7.0.16
MySQL version5.7.17
PHP memory limit256M
Plugin Info
Last updated
Active installs 200+ page

WordPress compatibility badge PHP compatibility badge

Get badge code

Pages 7

Plugins ‹ Test site — WordPress

Page screenshot: Plugins ‹ Test site — WordPress
URL /wp-admin/plugins.php?activate=true&plugin_status=all&paged=1&s=
Requested URL /wp-admin/plugins.php?action=activate&plugin=latex2html%2Flatex2html.php&plugin_status=all&paged=1&s&_wpnonce=25f32c3b4e
Aspect after-activation
HTTP status 200 OK
Load time 0.127 s
Memory usage 3.15 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

Settings → LaTex2HTML

Page screenshot: Settings  → LaTex2HTML
URL /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=latex2html
Aspect menu-item
HTTP status 200 OK
Load time 0.037 s
Memory usage 3.17 MiB
JS errors
        "message": "TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '$('.nav-tab-wrapper').next('h2').position().top')",
        "trace": [
                "file": "/wp-content/plugins/latex2html/inc/js/l2h.js",
                "line": 76,
                "function": ""
                "file": "/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=4.9.8",
                "line": 2,
                "function": "i"
                "file": "/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=4.9.8",
                "line": 2,
                "function": "fireWith"
                "file": "/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=4.9.8",
                "line": 2,
                "function": "ready"
                "file": "/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=4.9.8",
                "line": 2,
                "function": "K"
Resource errors None

Settings → LaTex2HTML → Settings

Page screenshot: Settings  → LaTex2HTML → Settings
URL /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=latex2html&tab=settings
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200 OK
Load time 0.065 s
Memory usage 3.05 MiB
JS errors
        "message": "TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '$('.nav-tab-wrapper').next('h2').position().top')",
        "trace": [
                "file": "/wp-content/plugins/latex2html/inc/js/l2h.js",
                "line": 76,
                "function": ""
                "file": "/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=4.9.8",
                "line": 2,
                "function": "i"
                "file": "/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=4.9.8",
                "line": 2,
                "function": "fireWith"
                "file": "/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=4.9.8",
                "line": 2,
                "function": "ready"
                "file": "/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=4.9.8",
                "line": 2,
                "function": "K"
Resource errors None

Settings → LaTex2HTML → BibTeX

Page screenshot: Settings  → LaTex2HTML → BibTeX
URL /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=latex2html&tab=bibtex
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200 OK
Load time 0.070 s
Memory usage 3.09 MiB
JS errors
        "message": "TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '$('.nav-tab-wrapper').next('h2').position().top')",
        "trace": [
                "file": "/wp-content/plugins/latex2html/inc/js/l2h.js",
                "line": 76,
                "function": ""
                "file": "/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=4.9.8",
                "line": 2,
                "function": "i"
                "file": "/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=4.9.8",
                "line": 2,
                "function": "fireWith"
                "file": "/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=4.9.8",
                "line": 2,
                "function": "ready"
                "file": "/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=4.9.8",
                "line": 2,
                "function": "K"
Resource errors None

Settings → LaTex2HTML → Support & Credit

Page screenshot: Settings  → LaTex2HTML → Support & Credit
URL /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=latex2html&tab=support
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200 OK
Load time 0.034 s
Memory usage 3.05 MiB
JS errors
        "message": "TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '$('iframe').position().top')",
        "trace": [
                "file": "/wp-content/plugins/latex2html/inc/js/l2h.js",
                "line": 84,
                "function": ""
                "file": "/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=4.9.8",
                "line": 2,
                "function": "i"
                "file": "/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=4.9.8",
                "line": 2,
                "function": "fireWith"
                "file": "/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=4.9.8",
                "line": 2,
                "function": "ready"
                "file": "/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=4.9.8",
                "line": 2,
                "function": "K"
Resource errors None

Settings → LaTex2HTML → Manual

Page screenshot: Settings  → LaTex2HTML → Manual
URL /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=latex2html&tab=manual
Aspect menu-item-tab
HTTP status 200 OK
Load time 0.078 s
Memory usage 3.05 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

Test site – Just another WordPress site

Page screenshot: Test site – Just another WordPress site
Aspect front-page
HTTP status 200 OK
Load time 0.104 s
Memory usage 2.87 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None


URL Load time Memory usage
Inactive Active Change Inactive Active Change
/wp-admin/index.php0.111 s0.101 s-0.010 s3.12 MiB3.19 MiB+ 76.24 KiB
/wp-admin/edit.php0.121 s0.087 s-0.034 s3.14 MiB3.22 MiB+ 75.9 KiB
/wp-admin/post-new.php0.179 s0.156 s-0.023 s3.21 MiB3.29 MiB+ 83.07 KiB
/wp-admin/upload.php0.088 s0.105 s+0.017 s2.99 MiB3.12 MiB+ 132.68 KiB
/wp-admin/options-writing.php0.086 s0.079 s-0.007 s2.98 MiB3.11 MiB+ 139.77 KiB
/wp-admin/media-new.php0.043 s0.067 s+0.024 s2.97 MiB3.05 MiB+ 75.81 KiB
/wp-admin/edit-tags.php?taxonomy=category0.083 s0.081 s-0.002 s3.01 MiB3.14 MiB+ 139.81 KiB
/wp-admin/post-new.php?post_type=page0.154 s0.164 s+0.010 s3.22 MiB3.29 MiB+ 75.81 KiB
/wp-admin/options-discussion.php0.080 s0.094 s+0.014 s2.97 MiB3.05 MiB+ 75.81 KiB
/wp-admin/edit-comments.php0.075 s0.098 s+0.023 s3.01 MiB3.15 MiB+ 139.81 KiB
/0.077 s0.110 s+0.033 s2.77 MiB2.87 MiB+ 101.58 KiB
Average 0.100 s0.104 s+0.004 s3.04 MiB3.14 MiB+ 101.48 KiB


Things that the plugin adds to the site. This section is not intended to be comprehensive. The test tool only looks for a few specific types of added content.

Database Tables 1

Options wp_options 2

PHP Error Log 2 lines

[01-Dec-2018 23:45:06 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: footnotelist in /wp-content/plugins/latex2html/inc/core.php on line 475
[01-Dec-2018 23:45:09 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: footnotelist in /wp-content/plugins/latex2html/inc/core.php on line 475
See also: All tests for this plugin, How to Hide the "LaTex2HTML" Admin Menu