Tips on Customizing Click to Chat – HoliThemes

How to Hide Click to Chat Admin Menus

function plt_hide_click_to_chat_for_whatsapp_menus() {
	//Hide "Click to Chat".
	//Hide "Click to Chat → Click to Chat".
	remove_submenu_page('click-to-chat', 'click-to-chat');
	//Hide "Click to Chat → Greetings".
	remove_submenu_page('click-to-chat', 'click-to-chat-greetings');
	//Hide "Click to Chat → Customize".
	remove_submenu_page('click-to-chat', 'click-to-chat-customize-styles');
	//Hide "Click to Chat → Other Settings".
	remove_submenu_page('click-to-chat', 'click-to-chat-other-settings');
	//Hide "Click to Chat → Go Premium".
	remove_submenu_page('click-to-chat', '');

add_action('admin_menu', 'plt_hide_click_to_chat_for_whatsapp_menus', 11);

Where do I put this code?

How to Hide the "Click to Chat" Meta Box

function plt_hide_click_to_chat_for_whatsapp_metaboxes() {
	$screen = get_current_screen();
	if ( !$screen ) {

	//Hide the "Click to Chat" meta box.
	remove_meta_box('ht_ctc_settings_meta_box', $screen->id, 'side');

add_action('add_meta_boxes', 'plt_hide_click_to_chat_for_whatsapp_metaboxes', 20);