Click & Pledge Connect v2.2112000000-WP5.8.2

Does Click & Pledge Connect work with WordPress 5.8.2 and PHP 7.4.8? A smoke test was performed on .


1PHP warnings
7PHP notices
102PHP deprecation warnings
1JavaScript exceptions
All test pages loaded successfully
No resource errors

Memory usage: 111.89 KiB
The average PHP memory usage increased by this amount after activating by the plugin.

Page speed impact: insignificant.
The plugin didn't make the site noticeably slower.

WordPress version5.8.2
PHP version7.4.8
MySQL version8.0.21
PHP memory limit256M
Plugin Info
Last updated
Active installs 300+ page

WordPress compatibility badge PHP compatibility badge

Get badge code

Pages 4

Plugins ‹ Test site — WordPress

Page screenshot: Plugins ‹ Test site — WordPress
URL /wp-admin/plugins.php?plugin_status=all&paged=1&s
Requested URL /wp-admin/plugins.php?action=activate&plugin=click-pledge-connect%2Fclickandpledge_form.php&plugin_status=all&paged=1&s&_wpnonce=ea6086f386
Aspect after-activation
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.613 s
Memory usage 3.14 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

Click & Pledge

Page screenshot: Click & Pledge
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=cnpcf_formshelp
Aspect menu-item
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.750 s
Memory usage 3.08 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

Click & Pledge → Settings

Page screenshot: Click & Pledge → Settings
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=cnp_formssettings
Aspect menu-item
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.248 s
Memory usage 3.09 MiB
JS errors
        "message": "TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting '_DT_CellIndex')\n    at Ja (/wp-content/plugins/click-pledge-connect/js/jquery.dataTables.min.js?ver=5.8.2:24:263)\n    at N (/wp-content/plugins/click-pledge-connect/js/jquery.dataTables.min.js?ver=5.8.2:16:337)\n    at HTMLTableRowElement.<anonymous> (/wp-content/plugins/click-pledge-connect/js/jquery.dataTables.min.js?ver=5.8.2:16:450)\n    at /wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5Bchunk_0%5D=jquery-core,utils&ver=5.8.2:2:1567\n    at (/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5Bchunk_0%5D=jquery-core,utils&ver=5.8.2:2:3536)\n    at (/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5Bchunk_0%5D=jquery-core,utils&ver=5.8.2:2:1535)\n    at oa (/wp-content/plugins/click-pledge-connect/js/jquery.dataTables.min.js?ver=5.8.2:16:415)\n    at e (/wp-content/plugins/click-pledge-connect/js/jquery.dataTables.min.js?ver=5.8.2:92:431)\n    at HTMLTableElement.<anonymous> (/wp-content/plugins/click-pledge-connect/js/jquery.dataTables.min.js?ver=5.8.2:93:118)\n    at Function.each (/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5Bchunk_0%5D=jquery-core,utils&ver=5.8.2:2:3003)",
        "trace": null,
        "code": null
Resource errors None

Test site – Just another WordPress site

Page screenshot: Test site – Just another WordPress site
Aspect front-page
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.212 s
Memory usage 2.97 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None


URL Load time Memory usage
Inactive Active Change Inactive Active Change
/wp-admin/index.php0.257 s0.297 s+0.040 s3.08 MiB3.2 MiB+ 119.86 KiB
/wp-admin/edit.php0.144 s0.183 s+0.039 s3.11 MiB3.21 MiB+ 103.56 KiB
/wp-admin/post-new.php0.721 s0.894 s+0.173 s5.27 MiB5.46 MiB+ 197.11 KiB
/wp-admin/upload.php0.323 s0.285 s-0.038 s3.03 MiB3.16 MiB+ 134.7 KiB
/wp-admin/options-writing.php0.135 s0.152 s+0.017 s3.02 MiB3.09 MiB+ 70.37 KiB
/wp-admin/media-new.php0.486 s0.260 s-0.226 s3.01 MiB3.09 MiB+ 87.19 KiB
/wp-admin/edit-tags.php?taxonomy=category0.160 s0.299 s+0.139 s3.04 MiB3.14 MiB+ 103.47 KiB
/wp-admin/post-new.php?post_type=page0.820 s0.616 s-0.204 s5.26 MiB5.44 MiB+ 191.45 KiB
/wp-admin/options-discussion.php0.226 s0.231 s+0.005 s3 MiB3.1 MiB+ 103.5 KiB
/wp-admin/edit-comments.php0.202 s0.202 s+0.000 s3.04 MiB3.14 MiB+ 101.81 KiB
/0.238 s0.190 s-0.048 s2.96 MiB2.97 MiB+ 17.82 KiB
Average 0.337 s0.328 s-0.009 s3.44 MiB3.55 MiB+ 111.89 KiB

Code Statistics

Note: Third-party libraries and minified JS/CSS files are excluded from these statistics where possible, so the numbers you see here may be lower than those reported by other tools.

Language % Lines of code Comment lines Files
Total 16,995 1,214 23

PHP Code Analysis | More results »

Lines of code 2,848
Total complexity 419
Median class complexity 0.0
Median method complexity 0.0
Most complex class
Most complex function cnps_addform()
Classes 0
Methods 0
Functions 67


Things that the plugin adds to the site. This section is not intended to be comprehensive. The test tool only looks for a few specific types of added content.

Database Tables 5

PHP Error Log 110 lines

[20-Dec-2021 14:50:22 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:22 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:22 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:22 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:22 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:22 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:22 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:22 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:22 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:22 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:22 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:22 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:23 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:23 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:23 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:23 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:23 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:23 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:23 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:24 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:24 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:24 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:24 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:24 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:24 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:24 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:24 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: info in /wp-content/plugins/click-pledge-connect/cnpSettings.php on line 5
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:24 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: cnpviewid in /wp-content/plugins/click-pledge-connect/cnpSettings.php on line 67
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:24 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: act in /wp-content/plugins/click-pledge-connect/cnpSettings.php on line 101
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:24 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: cnpsetid in /wp-content/plugins/click-pledge-connect/cnpSettings.php on line 119
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:24 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: cnpsetAccountNumber in /wp-content/plugins/click-pledge-connect/cnpSettings.php on line 123
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:24 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: cnpsetguid in /wp-content/plugins/click-pledge-connect/cnpSettings.php on line 131
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:24 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: cnpsetfrndlynm in /wp-content/plugins/click-pledge-connect/cnpSettings.php on line 145
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:25 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:25 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:25 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:25 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:25 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:25 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:25 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:25 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:25 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:25 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:25 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:25 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:25 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:25 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:25 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:25 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:25 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:25 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:27 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:27 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:27 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:27 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:27 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:27 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:28 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:28 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:28 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:28 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:28 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:28 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:28 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:28 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:28 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:28 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:28 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:28 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:28 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:28 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:28 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:28 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:28 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:28 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:28 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:28 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:28 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:28 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:28 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:28 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:30 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:30 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:30 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:30 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:30 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:30 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:30 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:30 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:30 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:30 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:30 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:30 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:30 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:30 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:30 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:30 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:30 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:30 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495
[20-Dec-2021 14:50:31 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 5495

(+10 more lines)
See also: All tests for this plugin