Backup 1.1.43

A smoke test was performed on .


No PHP errors, warnings or notices
No JavaScript exceptions
All test pages loaded successfully
No resource errors
Looks good! No problems were detected.

Memory usage: 143.11 KiB
The average PHP memory usage increased by this amount after activating by the plugin.

Page speed impact: insignificant.
The plugin didn't make the site noticeably slower.

Not available. Test environment information was not recorded for this run. This is normal for older tests.
Plugin Info
Last updated
Active installs 40,000+ page

WordPress compatibility badge PHP compatibility badge

Get badge code

Pages 4


Page screenshot: BackupGuard
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=backup_guard_backups
Aspect N/A
HTTP status 200
Load time 3.628 s
Memory usage 3.47 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

BackupGuard → Settings

Page screenshot: BackupGuard → Settings
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=backup_guard_settings
Aspect N/A
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.402 s
Memory usage 3.07 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

BackupGuard → Support

Page screenshot: BackupGuard → Support
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=backup_guard_support
Aspect N/A
HTTP status 200
Load time 3.846 s
Memory usage 3.02 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None

BackupGuard → Why upgrade?

Page screenshot: BackupGuard → Why upgrade?
URL /wp-admin/admin.php?page=backup_guard_pro_features
Aspect N/A
HTTP status 200
Load time 0.414 s
Memory usage 3.02 MiB
JS errors None
Resource errors None


URL Load time Memory usage
Inactive Active Change Inactive Active Change
/wp-admin/index.php-0.051 s+ 164.3 KiB
/wp-admin/edit.php-0.012 s+ 172.29 KiB
/wp-admin/post-new.php-0.108 s+ 171.48 KiB
/wp-admin/upload.php+0.024 s+ 102.77 KiB
/wp-admin/options-writing.php+0.006 s+ 102.77 KiB
/wp-admin/media-new.php+0.038 s+ 102.77 KiB
/wp-admin/edit-tags.php?taxonomy=category+0.002 s+ 166.77 KiB
/wp-admin/post-new.php?post_type=page-0.003 s+ 164.2 KiB
/wp-admin/options-discussion.php-0.017 s+ 103.09 KiB
/wp-admin/edit-comments.php+0.009 s+ 166.21 KiB
/+0.002 s+ 157.51 KiB
Average -0.010 s+ 143.11 KiB


Things that the plugin adds to the site. This section is not intended to be comprehensive. The test tool only looks for a few specific types of added content.

Database Tables 3

PHP Error Log

The log file is empty.

See also: All tests for this plugin, How to Hide JetBackup Admin Menus and Widgets