Automated Smoke Tests for WordPress Plugins

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Plugin Time Result
Clone 2.4.6ok
Page Builder Gutenberg Blocks – CoBlocks 3.1.13warning
Advanced Custom Fields: Font Awesome Field 4.1.0ok
Calculated Fields Form 5.2.24warning
SpeedyCache – Cache, Optimization, Performance 1.1.9ok
Social Feed Gallery 4.5.0probably-ok
Responsive Menu – Create Mobile-Friendly Menu 4.4.1probably-ok
Email Marketing for WooCommerce by Omnisend 1.15.15ok
Brizy – Page Builder 2.5.1warning
Better Find and Replace 1.6.2warning
Shield Security – Smart Bot Blocking & Intrusion Prevention Security 20.0.4ok
Simple Membership 4.5.0ok
Customer Reviews for WooCommerce 5.57.0ok
Plugin for Google Reviews 4.1ok
WP Mobile Menu – The Mobile-Friendly Responsive Menu 2.8.5ok
Advanced Custom Fields: Extended
EWWW Image Optimizer 7.8.0warning
Elementor Website Builder – More than Just a Page Builder 3.23.3warning
CMP – Coming Soon & Maintenance Plugin by NiteoThemes 4.1.13ok
RSS Aggregator by Feedzy – Feed to Post, Autoblogging, News & YouTube Video Feeds Aggregator 4.4.12warning

Most Recent Tests

Plugin Time Result
Popupsmart 2.0.1ok
Payment Gateway bKash for WC 3.0.0ok
Conditional Add To Cart for WooCommerce 0.2.5ok
FAQ Schema for Elementor 1.0.2ok
Make Disable Admin Email Verification Prompt| Aims Infosoft 1.0.5warning
Simple Block Gallery 1.10ok
Device Detector 4.0.0ok
Sucursales Correo Argentino para WooCommerce 0.0.9failure
Post Slider Carousel & Custom Post Grids 1.0warning
Featured Image Plus 1.5.2ok
Payment and Shipping Method Checkout Fee for WooCommerce 2.0.1ok
Block Comment Spam Bots 2.62warning Payment Gateway 4.7.0unmet-dependencies
El mejor Cluster 1.1.12ok
Sticky Header 2020 2.1.0ok
WunderAutomation 1.9.0probably-ok
Reset Customizer 1.1.5ok
Pago por Redsys 1.0.11ok
Chatbox Manager 1.1.9ok
Di Multipurpose Demo Importer 1.0.2ok


What's a "smoke test"?

It's a very basic test where we check that:

Allegedly, the term "smoke testing" comes from the plumbing industry. When talking about electronics, it means "turn it on and see if it catches fire". See Wikipedia for more.

Which plugins are tested?

The goal is to test every plugin in the plugin directory. In practice, we've tested about 98% of those plugins at least once. Some plugins cannot be tested due to technical constraints or because they're missing important details like "Version" headers.

Does an "ok" result mean that the plugin is guaranteed to work?

Not quite. This is just a very basic automated test. There are many types of bugs that it can't catch. Also, we only test plugins in one particular environment (WordPress version + PHP version + server settings). If your server is very different, you might still run into compatibility issues. Treat the test result as a starting point, not a final judgement.

Does a "failure" mean that the plugin is broken and unusable?

It suggests that there's something wrong, but it doesn't always mean that the plugin is broken. Here's why:

Where can I get more information?

Use this contact form to submit questions and feedback.